
Acupuncture is the ancient Eastern Healing Art that uses ultra-fine, one time use, sterile needles to stimulate specific points on the body; unblocking and correcting the flow of energy (Qi). Our body is constantly searching for homeostasis (balance). Acupuncture helps support our bodies natural balancing function. Acupuncture also works deeply by getting to the root causes, not just the sympto... Read More

Acupuncture is the ancient Eastern Healing Art that uses ultra-fine, one time use, sterile needles to stimulate specific points on the body; unblocking and correcting the flow of energy (Qi). Our body is constantly searching for homeostasis (balance). Acupuncture helps support our bodies natural balancing function. Acupuncture also works deeply by getting to the root causes, not just the symptoms. If you are already feeling great, Acupuncture is wonderful preventative medicine. Achieving and keeping the body in balance is the best way to prevent illness and dis-ease.

Five Element Acupuncture is an ancient medicine that uses the principles of nature to bring the body, mind, and spirit into balance. This unblocks energy so that the body can begin to heal itself, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Most forms of acupuncture practiced today focus mainly on the energetics of the physical body, focusing on symptoms and pain. However, Classical Five Element Acupuncture goes further and looks at the state of balance in the mind and spirit as well. When the body, mind and spirit are all addressed, the body can heal at a far deeper level, which brings about not only relief of physical symptoms but also clarity of mind and a sense of well being.

Massage & Bodywork

Massage & Bodywork treatments are customized to patients needs. Deep-Tissue and Swedish Style Massage use a variety of techniques such as kneading, friction, compression and rolling in order to release areas of tension, increase circulation; flushing toxins from the body. Shiatsu and Tui Na are Eastern modalities using pressure and compression to move energy through the meridian pathways. Sport... Read More

Massage & Bodywork treatments are customized to patients needs. Deep-Tissue and Swedish Style Massage use a variety of techniques such as kneading, friction, compression and rolling in order to release areas of tension, increase circulation; flushing toxins from the body. Shiatsu and Tui Na are Eastern modalities using pressure and compression to move energy through the meridian pathways. Sports Massage and Assisted Stretching can be used pre and post event to minimize injury and recovery time. Acu-Pressure and Trigger Point & Myofascial Release with Positional Release reduce referred pain and increase Range of Motion.

Acupuncture + SoundBath

Welcome to Acupuncture + Sound Series, created to assist you in seasonal energetic shifts by combining the ancient wisdom of the Elements in Chinese Medicine, which correlates to the seasons, emotions and associated physical body systems, with Sound Healing frequencies played live with crystal singing bowls, especially arranged to work with these aspects and energies, we bring a powerful yet ge... Read More

Welcome to Acupuncture + Sound Series, created to assist you in seasonal energetic shifts by combining the ancient wisdom of the Elements in Chinese Medicine, which correlates to the seasons, emotions and associated physical body systems, with Sound Healing frequencies played live with crystal singing bowls, especially arranged to work with these aspects and energies, we bring a powerful yet gentle seasonal supportive adjustments.

You will receive community style acupuncture in a small group (up to 9 people). Each monthly session is specifically designed for the energies of the season, Needling provided by Alexandria Steppe, LAc. While you relax deeply into the Acupuncture you will be bathed in a sublime arrangement of crystal singing bowls while Sound Bath is played by Nicola Buffa, MFA, created to activate and align you throughout your treatment.

Community Style Acupuncture

We're excited to have this option available starting in 2025, in order to make acupuncture treatments accessible to more people. Acupuncture provided in a community setting. Relax in one of our three reclining chairs. Intake will take place privately, but treatment will be amongst others. Please note that this space is open air, so you may hear some conversations/discussion and may be heard ... Read More

We're excited to have this option available starting in 2025, in order to make acupuncture treatments accessible to more people.
Acupuncture provided in a community setting. Relax in one of our three reclining chairs.
Intake will take place privately, but treatment will be amongst others. Please note that this space is open air, so you may hear some conversations/discussion and may be heard by others. We do have music and sound machines to provide ambient sound as a distraction.
Acupuncture can help treat many areas of dis-ease and imbalance, such as sleep/insomnia, digestive issues, allergies, headaches, reproductive health & regulation, chronic or acute physical pain, and mental/emotional concerns such as stress, anxiety and depression.

Please wear loose fitting clothing that allows access to arms and legs.
New Patient : Suggested Flexible Rate $55-80
Returning Patient : Suggested Flexible Rate $40-65

Online Consultation

California Artist, Nicola Buffa, MFA, is a Hypnotherapist + Sound Healer + Reiki Master. Each sound transmission is an arrangement of the healing tones of Quartz Crystal and Alchemy singing bowls, channeled to return optimum alignment to the body, designed to inspire healing thought patterns through brainwave entrainment, and meant to uplift the spirit on all levels. The experience is a meditative journey, which may yield clarity through connection to our inner wisdom, and a sense of deep peace, facilitated by sound.

Alexandria (Alex), is a CA LAc, Certified Classical 5 Element Acupuncturist and Licensed Massage Therapist. To these seasonally based Acupuncture + SoundBath treatments, Alex brings understanding of the Elements (of Chinese Medicine) and how they work within our body, mind and spirit in order to aid in smooth transitions. Using specific Acupuncture Points for each season (or time within) helps each patient to achieve greater balance with more ease.

We are excited to bring these two healing modalities together in order to help you realign, reconnect and reorient to the Seasons (and Elements) as nature intended.

California Artist, Nicola Buffa, MFA, is a Hypnotherapist + Sound Healer + Reiki Master. Each sou... Read More

Alex (she/they) is a Licensed and Certified Classical Five Element Acupuncturist and Massage Therapist practicing in San Francisco.

Alex believes that when the body is in harmony, many symptoms of dis-ease will subside. Much of our pain, both spiritual, mental / emotional and physical comes from root imbalances. Alex also sees how emotions such as grief, worry, lack of joy, sadness and anger can manifest into chronic and acute physical pain symptoms. Holistic Medicine such as Classical Five Element Acupuncture can assist the body in opening up areas of restriction, balancing & smoothing energy and nourishing the spirit. Your ‘body’ already knows what it needs to do as it strives to reach homeostasis (balance); Acupuncture gives it a boost in the right direction.

Recently, Alex completed her two year Classical 5 Element Acupuncture Certification, studying under Khosrow Khalighi, a senior practitioner in the lineage of the late Professor JR Worsley who brought this system of medicine to the west.

With a strong understanding of how the physical body works (anatomy, kinesthesiology, patterns of dysfunction/pathology and how they manifest through observation, palpation and discussion), Alex creates a treatment that is truly customized to your needs. In addition to Acupuncture, Alex is well versed in Western styles of Massage/Bodywork such as Deep Tissue, Swedish, Sports Massage & Eastern methods such as Tui Na (Chinese Medical Massage) and Shiatsu (Japanese 5 element Bodywork).

To give back to the community that she loves, Alex has volunteered at the Women’s Community Clinic as a Client Service Coordinator and Health Educator, a receptionist at San Francisco Community Acupuncture and bi-annually as a Roadie on the AIDS/Life Cycle with the Massage Team. She also worked at the Stonewall Project, a weekly community event hosted by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation.

Alex (she/they) is a Licensed and Certified Classical Five Element Acupuncturist and Massage Ther... Read More

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Located at: 301 Chenery St, San Francisco
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